Camp Unity


Location(s): Westfield

Amenities: Snacks Included

Cost: $269 before May 1st, $299 after May 1st



Ages 12 – 16. NEW CAMP FOR 2017! Unity is one of the most popular game engines out there. Many of today’s most popular games utilize Unity as their engine to create today’s blockbuster games.

This will be an advanced camp for ages 12 – 16. We will create aspects of two different games utilizing the Unity game engine.

Below is a quick overview of Unity examples:



Some things you will learn how to do:

– Learn the Unity software
– Build game user interfaces
– Work with 3D objects in Unity
– Learn aspects of Blender 3D modeling
– Create aspects of popular games

Space will be limited for these camps. Spots will be available per weekly session at $299 ($269 before May 1st) for each session. The camp will meet daily Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm.